Terra Innominata Project

I have always liked photography. I don't know exactly why. Probably, in my pictures I try to reveal myself, stock up memories, express my feelings, struggles, fears, desires, longings and give them to others as a kind of confession. In my opinion the best photography reveals the unvarnished truth about ourselves and our richly unique stories.

Terra Innominata works are intimate attempts to capture vision of the transitory unnamed world, much hidden in the landscape. This world is ruled by passage of time and oblivion.

Marcin Kuran (born in 1975) Graduated on Management at Warsaw University (1999) and Warsaw School of Photography (2003). In his works tries to capture the essence of creation phenomena, discovering or rather shaping his own vision of surrounding reality. Intimate picture of the world, hidden in the landscape, is created by multiexpositions, sandwiches and self developed techniques. Marcin Kuran debuted also with mulitmedial presentations during art festivals. Selected works were placed in German Olbricht Collection (2005). Marcin Kuran lives and works in Warsaw and Masuria region in Poland.